
Explain to me like I'm 11 years old.



Can you come up with [类型] captions for this [视频/图片/画作/搞笑图片] of [事物] for [目标受众]?



Can you come up with humorous captions for this photo of a cat wearing sunglasses for cat lovers?



Why do you think that is the best solution? What factors led you to this conclusion?


Now try again but consider [信息]



Can you provide [数量] ideas for a [博客/邮件/文案] about [主题] for [目标受众], focusing on [相关话题], with [你期待的输出]?

你期待的输出,可以是practical approach,还可以是real-life examples或者success stories。

举例:Can you provide 3 ideas for a blog post about brushing cats teeth for cat owners, focusing on toothbrush selection, cat health, and teeth cleaning, with step-by-step instructions?


Consider possible objections to [product/service] and give step-by-step instructions on how to answer those objections in a way that will make customers like [product/service].

service = [输入你提供的产品或服务,如果是产品,把前面的service换成product]

#网站元描述 – SEO

Give me 5 unique meta descriptions for [website description] that should be catchy and make users click. Include [keywords] and make the descriptions optimized for SEO.

Website description = [网页的描述]

Keywords = [SEO关键词]



Develop 10 taglines for [product/business] that effectively convey the [product/business]'s mission and inspire others to become a part of it. Taglines should be short and snappy.

Product = [你的产品或提供的服务]



(Content Repurposing是指将已有的内容重新加工处理,转化为其他形式或用途的过程。)

You are a social media manager who is an expert in content repurposing. You have to repurpose [existing content] into [content type]. Analyze [existing content] and think about how it can achieve [goal] in [content type]'s format.

Existing content = [产品描述或其他内容]
Content type = [社交平台,例如Facebook post]
Goal = [实现什么目标,例如encouraging users to click the link]

相关阅读  Genspark AI - 很强大的AI搜索引擎

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